

CyberGIS Center @ UIUC


Dr. Zhiyu Li is a Research Programmer in the CyberGIS Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He currently leads the hydro and innovative app team that develops cyberGIS technologies and applications to support the water science research community. Dr. Li holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he was a postdoc researcher at Brigham Young University before he joined UIUC.

Getting Started with Interactive Mapping and Data Visualization (2021 GIS Day Workshop)

This notebook will walk you through some basic techniques of conducting Interative Mapping and Data Visualization in the CyberGIS-Jupyter environment We will retrieve the latest COVID-19 data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) website, examine and preprocess the data, make plots of daily new cases by counties using matplotlib, create an interactive map with ipyleaflet to visualize weekly channge of new cases across the state, and finally link map and plot together After finishing this notebook, you will have a "app-style" ...


HAND and Flood Emergency Response

This Jupyter notebook illustrates the HAND workflow and its use in example flood emergency scenarios The study area is Onion Creek (HUC10 code 1209020504) This is also a demonstration of conducting geospatial anlysis with opensource toolkits (gdal) using an online Jupyter interface Environment required: CyberGIS-Jupyter for ...

Run WRF&WRFHydro Coupled Training v5.1.2 on CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water

The HydroShare project is pleased to bring you this notebook that can set up a run-time environment on the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW) platform for WRF&WRF-Hydro Coupled Testcase Online Lesson (v512) In contrast to the Docker-based local setup, this HydroShare solution does not require installation or downloading of any software or data onto your local computer, and it enables you to access ...

Run WRFHydro Hands-on Training v5.2.x on CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water

The HydroShare project is pleased to bring you this notebook that can set up a run-time environment on the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW) platform for WRFHydro Hands-on Training v52x (Nov 2020) In contrast to the Docker-based local setup, this HydroShare solution does not require installation or downloading of any software or data onto your local computer, and it enables you to access to more ...

Modeling CAMELS Basins with SUMMA on CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW)

CAMELS (Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies) is a large-sample hydrometeorological dataset that provides catchment attributes, forcings and GIS data for 671 small- to medium-sized basins across the CONUS (continental United States) HydroShare hosts a copy of CAMELS and exposes it through different public data access protocols (WMS, WFS and OPeNDAP) for easy visualization ...

Run National Water Model (WRFHydro) on HPC through CyberGIS-Compute Service

The goal of this notebook is to show the steps to run an example National Water Model (WRFhydro) model on HPC resources through the CyberGIS-Compute Service This notebook uses wrfhydropy, a Python wrapper for WRFHydro, in model preprocessing and postprocessing, and the resulting ready-to-run model is handed over to CyberGIS Computing Service for execution on a supported HPC resource (Virtual ...

Run ensemble SUMMA 3.0 model on HPC with CyberGIS-Compute Service on CJW

This example is to show the steps to run an ensemble SUMMA30 on HPC through the CyberGIS-Compute ...

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