

CyberGIS Center @ UIUC


Dr. Zhiyu Li is a Research Programmer in the CyberGIS Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He currently leads the hydro and innovative app team that develops cyberGIS technologies and applications to support the water science research community. Dr. Li holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he was a postdoc researcher at Brigham Young University before he joined UIUC.

Getting Started with Interactive Mapping and Data Visualization (2021 GIS Day Workshop)

This notebook will walk you through some basic techniques of conducting Interative Mapping and Data Visualization in the CyberGIS-Jupyter environment We will retrieve the latest COVID-19 data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) website, examine and preprocess the data, make plots of daily new cases by counties using matplotlib, create an interactive map with ipyleaflet to visualize weekly channge of new cases across the state, and finally link map and plot together After finishing this notebook, you will have a "app-style" ...


Getting Started with Interactive Mapping and Data Visualization (2021 GIS Day Workshop)

This notebook will walk you through some basic techniques of conducting Interative Mapping and Data Visualization in the CyberGIS-Jupyter environment We will retrieve the latest COVID-19 data from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) website, examine and preprocess the data, make plots of daily new cases by counties using matplotlib, create an interactive map with ipyleaflet to ...

A Vector Approach to Drainage Network Analysis Based on LiDAR Data

Drainage network analysis is fundamental to understanding the characteristics of surface hydrology Based on elevation data, drainage network analysis is often used to extract key hydrological features like drainage networks and streamlines Limited by raster-based data models, conventional drainage network algorithms typically allow water to flow in 4 or 8 directions (surrounding grids) from a ...

A Map Visualization Example using PyViz Tools in CyberGIS-Jupyter for water

This notebook is an example of a interactive map visualization which is the high level visualization using PyViz tools as post-processing of environmental modeling For this example, we used following PyViz ...

A Watershed Delineation Example using GRASS GIS in CyberGIS-Jupyter for water

This notebook is an example of a watershed delineation which is the basic step to analyze a inteteresting watershed We used GRASS GIS 78 version and shell script to apply GRASS GIS ...

Retrieve a large number of model outputs using Globus within CyberGIS-Compute

This notebook demonstrates how to use Globus within CyberGIS-Compute to retrieve a large number of outputs generated by a model executed on HPC, which is often needed for postprocessing work performed on CJW A new “data transfer” job type is provided for moving data from HPC back to the CJW Jupyter environment Under the hood, this new job type utilizes the Globus service ...

A More Reproducible CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW)

Most of this notebook is going over advanced options and technical details behind our new design on CJW There are however a few key things all users should know: 1 What do the different kernel names/versions mean 2 Paths to some executables might have changed 3 We have a new cjw command to manage kernel ...

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