
Xiang Chen

University of Connecticut


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Connecticut, USA. I received a Ph.D. in Geography at The Ohio State University. My research interests are focused on GIScience, community health, and urban studies. I employ GIS instruments (e.g., big data analytics, geovisualization, deep learning) and accessibility theory to unveil the socioeconomic and health inequalities across urban communities. I also have research interests in transportation and remote sensing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I am heavily involved in various public health research, including mapping, modeling, and projecting cases of infection, discussing socioeconomic impacts on tourism, and exploring the health inequity in food procurement.

COVID-19 Webscraper

This notebook scrapes the list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics from NYC COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Finder (https://vaccinefindernycgov/) You can also use it for other ...


COVID-19 Webscraper

This notebook scrapes the list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics from NYC COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Finder (https://vaccinefindernycgov/) You can also use it for other ...

COVID-19 Vaccine Geocoder

The notebook geocodes a list of COVID-19 vaccination clinics based on their addresses You can also geocode other address data (eg, grocery stores, banks) using the notebook The notebook uses the Geocoding API from Google Cloud You need to have a Geocoding API Key to run the ...

NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Finder

Vaccination is the primary preventive measure to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic In New York City (NYC), reaching a vaccination clinic is highly reliant on public transit This notebook helps you to locate COVID-19 vaccine resources near a public transit station (metro or bus) in NYC Using the notebook, you can specify a buffer distance (eg, 1 mile) and a target public transit station ID (eg, ...

Blog Posts

How would social distancing change the COVID-19 curve of community spread?

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.