
CyberGISX Admin

CyberGIS Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chmapaign


The Administration account for the CyberGISX platform.

Spatial Accessibility to ICU Beds and Ventilators in Illinois

This aims to measure spatial access for people to hospitals in Illinois The spatial accessibiilty is measured by the use of an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2FCA) method (Luo & Qi, 2009), which is an outcome of interactions between demands (ie, # of potential patients; people) and supply (ie, # of beds or physicians) The result is a map of spatial accessibility to hospital beds It identifies which regions need more healthcare resources, such as the number of ICU beds and ventilators This notebook serves as a guideline of ...


A Reproducible and Replicable Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model Using CyberGIS-Jupyter: A Case Study in Queen Anne Neighborhood, Seattle, WA

This notebook walks through how to acquire the necessary geospatial, health, and sociological data required to create a spatially-explicit agent-based model of influenza spread Using the Queen-Anne neighborhood as an example, we walk though synthesizing a population from geospatial and sociological data using Pattern-Oriented Modeling (POM) and simulating the spread of influenza using the SEIR ...

The Context Makes the Difference: Reproducibility and Replicability in Measures of Spatial Accessibility

This notebook demonstrates a study on food accessibility addressing two research questions: 1) what is the service area of particular grocery stores and 2) what impact do individual user preferences have on accessible food service ...

Python Geospatial Libraries

This notebook provides an introduction to Python Geospatial Libraries, mainly GeoPandas (including aspects of Pandas), and ...

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