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Leatherback Nest Loss Project GEOG 489

This project had two goals: 1) To determine whether Python could be used to calculate the number of leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtle nests lost to tide-caused drowning each year, and 2) to determine whether a trend in the location of the tide lines could be detected, given the data at hand The study area for this project was Matura Beach, on the western coast of Trinidad (Trinidad and Tobago, West ...

New Notebook

Leatherback Nest Loss Project GEOG 489

This project had two goals: 1) To determine whether Python could be used to calculate the number of leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtle nests lost to tide-caused drowning each year, and 2) to determine whether a trend in the location of the tide lines could be detected, given the data at hand The study area for this project was Matura Beach, on the western coast of Trinidad (Trinidad ...

GEOG 489 Final Project – Food Safety Analysis in Chicago

Food safety is a critical public health issue In urban areas like Chicago, Illinois, government oversight of institutions that serve food to the public is important to maintain the health of the people who eat or acquire food at these institutions Failure to follow proper health and safety codes on the part of private enterprises can lead to outbreaks of infectious and food-borne ...

GEOG 489 Final Project – Food Safety Analysis in Chicago

Food safety is a critical public health issue In urban areas like Chicago, Illinois, government oversight of institutions that serve food to the public is important to maintain the health of the people who eat or acquire food at these institutions Failure to follow proper health and safety codes on the part of private enterprises can lead to outbreaks of infectious and food-borne ...

GEOG 489 – Emissions on the U.S. Electric Grid

The goal of this project was to look at greenhouse gas emissions embedded in transfers of electricity on the US electric grid and the relationship between power plant locations and ...

Leatherback Nest Loss Project GEOG 489_OLD

This project had two goals: 1) To determine whether Python could be used to calculate the number of leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtle nests lost to tide-caused drowning each year, and 2) to determine whether a trend in the location of the tide lines could be detected, given the data at hand The study area for this project was Matura Beach, on the western coast of Trinidad (Trinidad ...

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Blog Posts
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test blog

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Jupyter Notebooks Addressing Social Inequality and Health Disparities
Jupyter Notebooks Addressing Social Inequality and Health Disparities

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STEM Illinois Nobel Project:  Unprecedented CyberGISX Access and the Land-Grant Mission
STEM Illinois Nobel Project: Unprecedented CyberGISX Access and the Land-Grant Mission

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Food Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Food Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Developing a Disability Vulnerability Dashboard

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Building Effective Regions for COVID-19 Policy Administration (Or: How Our States Got Their Shapes)
Building Effective Regions for COVID-19 Policy Administration (Or: How Our States Got Their Shapes)

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