Navigating the Jupyter Notebook Dashboard
Once you have registered with CyberGISX and are logged in, you can click “Launch CyberGISX” to access the Notebook Dashboard. The Dashboard allows you to view and work with your Notebooks, files, and folders.
Initially, your Notebook Dashboard will be empty, but as you explore and create Jupyter Notebooks you will add content to this area.
Tree (Old) Interface Example:
Lab (New) Interface Example:
Creating a new Notebook
To create a new notebook, click New -> Notebook->[Notebook Type] in the Dashboard. For example, selecting “Python 3” will create a new Python notebook.
Tree (Old) Interface Example:
Lab (New) Interface Example*:
*Note: Click the blue “+” button in the top left corner of your screen to open the “Launcher” tab.
Opening an existing Notebook
To open an existing notebook, click on the Notebook name in the Dashboard. Once you have opened a notebook, the grey book icon on the far left side will become green. When you have closed the notebook and it is no longer running, the icon will revert to grey. In the new Lab interface, these existing files will be located on the left of your screen.
Working with Files and Folders on the Dashboard
In Tree (Old) Interface:
The New dropdown box can also be used to create new files/folders or to open a new terminal session. The Upload button, located to the left of the New dropdown box, can be used to upload a file to the Dashboard from your computer.
Checking the box located to the left of each file or folder allows you to do common actions such as renaming, copying, moving, viewing, or deleting that item. The menu appears near the top of the Dashboard. The options available will change depending on the item you select and its current state. For example, you can use this to shut down a running Notebook.
In Lab (New) Interface:
Right-click on the file/notebook name to open a menu of options to handle the file (similar to how one would manipulate a file in Windows File Explorer).