How to link to notebooks and blogs hosted on CyberGISX?
Sharing Content
You might want to share a link to your notebooks and blogs that you have uploaded to CyberGISX. Each notebook and blog has a unique persistent URL that you can use for sharing. Please note that the link will only work for public notebooks and blogs. If you share a link and then make the notebook or blog private, the link will just show the main CyberGISX page.
Sharing a Notebook
Open the notebook’s page on CyberGISX
To share a notebook that has been published with CyberGISX, you will first need to navigate to the notebook page. The process for doing this is slightly different depending on where the notebook is listed.
You can view a notebook’s page by clicking on the notebook title or the “View notebook” on the Discovery page or a community page as in the example below.
You can view a notebook’s page from the Community Notebooks page by clicking “See the notebook” as in the example below.
You can view one of your own notebooks’ page from your user profile or another person’s notebook from their user profile page by clicking on the notebook title.
The notebook’s page on CyberGISX
After clicking on the link to a notebook as specified above, the resulting notebook page will look like this. You can copy the URL in your internet browser’s address bar to get a link to directly share the notebook.
Sharing a Blog Post
Sharing a blog post works similarly to sharing a notebook. First, you need to navigate to the blog post’s page, which you can do in various ways. For example, you can open a blog by clicking on the blog title on the blogs section of a community page as in the example below. You can also click on the blog title for blogs hosted on a user profile page.
Once the blog’s page is open, you can copy the URL in your internet browser’s address bar to get a link to directly share the blog post.
Sharing your user profile page
Click on your user name in the top-right menu bar to open your user profile.
Once your user profile page is open, you can copy the URL in your internet browser’s address bar to get a link to directly share your profile page.