The Community Hub
In the CyberGISX platform, we encourage community members to share their works with the community. Users can share their notebooks and blog posts with the community. You can access community content through the top menu under the tab “Community.”
The main Communities page will show several featured notebooks, blog posts, and applications that have been contributed by community members. This page can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Communities’ header. See the tabs below for more on the different components of the Community Hub.
On this page, you can see examples of CyberGISX-Jupyter notebooks that are available on CyberGISX. You can also directly open and run the notebooks in the CyberGISX-jupyter environment.
This page will show notebooks and blog posts contributed by members of the Geospatial Fellows program.
Launch an Example Notebook
To launch an example notebook from the community website, navigate to the notebook on the “Community Notebooks” page and select “See the notebook”.
This will show the notebook description and an overview of the notebook. Clicking “Open with CyberGISX” will direct you to the notebook on the CyberGISX platform.