Engaging with Communities using CyberGISX
What are Communities on CyberGISX?
Communities are a place for researchers, students, teachers, and other interested people to come together, learn about replicable geospatial analysis, and share their work using CyberGISX. We have fostered communities around programs, such as the Geospatial Fellows program, as well as by research interest or topic, such as for Hydroshare researchers or those who have made notebooks on COVID-19. The communities features in CyberGISX allow for easy access to a communities’ notebooks and blogs posts that have been hosted on CyberGISX.
Viewing Community Content
Click on the “Communities” menu bar to view the communities. Click on a community in the drop-down to load the community page.
An example community page can be seen in the following image. You can view community notebooks and blog posts by clicking on the “Notebooks” and “Blogs” tabs.
Including your Content on a Community Page
Once you have created notebooks and blog posts as part of a community featured by CyberGISX, you can email help@cybergis.org to request that your notebook or blog post be displayed on one of the community pages. However, often a member of the CyberGISX team will act as a community liaison and will associate your content with the appropriate community without action needed on your part.