CyberGISX provides an integrated development and sharing platform with particular support for geospatial software and applications. CyberGISX has been developed by the CyberGIS Center for Advanced Digital and Spatial Studies & CyberInfrastructure and Geospatial Information Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Contact us for more informationCyberGISX integrates the following types of cyberGIS software and geospatial libraries to enable reproducible geospatial research and education.
CyberGIS: CyberGIS-Jupyter, CyberGIS Toolkit
Utility Library: conda, numpy, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-imge, scikit-learn, scipy
Spatial Analysis: geopandas, networkit, networkx, pysal, statsmodels
Geovisual Analysis:bokeh, cartopy, datashader, geoviews, holoviews, mplleaflet
Data Processing: fiona, gdal, geojson, geotiff, lidar, rasterio, shapefile, shaply
Spatial Simulation: Mesa, urbanism
Applications: Agriculture, Geography, Health, Hydrology
CyberGISX scales on virtual ROGER and has access to powerful national cyberinfrastructure resources.
Learn more about the infrastructurePublications to cite if your research benefits from CyberGISX