Get Started


CyberGISX provides streamlined and user-friendly access to advanced cyberinfrastructure and cyberGIS capabilities with an integrated software stack for computationally reproducible research and education across a variety of geospatial-related domains. The platform is open for everyone, however, you must register for a CyberGISX account to use the CyberGISX platform.

To Register

1. Click the “Register with CILogon” button in the top menu. You will be redirected to a brief instruction page for the CILogon system. Then, click “Continue to CILogon”.

  1. Select your university or organization from the list. If your university or organization is not on the list, we recommend using Google as your identity provider. Then, click the “Log on” button.

  1. After you log in successfully to the selected service, you will automatically be returned to the registration form. Please fill the form and accept the user agreement and terms of use. Then click “Submit”.


1. Your name, email, and organization will be prefilled using the information from the provider.

2. You may change your name and organization to reflect your identity.

3. You cannot change the email because it will be used as the user identifier.


4. If your registration passes all internal criteria for auto-approval, you will be successfully logged in. (Your CyberGISX username will be shown on the right side of the top menu).


If you are not auto-approved, the CyberGISX admins will be notified and will review your account registration as soon as possible. You will receive notification via email within 3 business days.


The Community Hub and the CyberGIS-Jupyter Portal

CyberGISX has two primary components, a CyberGISX-Jupyter, and a complimentary community hub.

After you log in to your CyberGISX account, you can access the CyberGISX-Jupyter environment by clicking “Launch CyberGISX” at the top menu.


The CyberGISX-Jupyter Environment will be opened in the new window automatically.

Note: You may have to click the “Sign in with CyberGISX” button if you have never used the environment before.



Community Contents

In the CyberGISX platform, we encourage community members to share their works with the community. Users can share their notebooks and blog posts with the community.

To access community content you can simply access them through the community menu in the top menu.


Community Blog Posts

On this page, community members can share their experiences and knowledge by creating a blog post. You can submit a blog post to the CyberGISX admins if you would like to feature the blog post on the community blog post page.

Community Notebooks

On this page, you can see examples of CyberGISX-Jupyter notebooks that are available on CyberGISX. You can also directly open and run the notebooks in the CyberGISX-jupyter environment. 


Launch an Example Notebook

To launch an example notebook from the community website, navigate to the notebook on the “Community Notebooks” page and select “See the notebook”.

This will show the notebook description and an overview of the notebook. Clicking “Open with CyberGISX” will direct you to the notebook on the CyberGISX platform.



For more information please check out our knowledge base.